“A journey does not need reasons. Before long, it proves to be reason enough in itself.
One thinks that one is going to make a journey, yet soon it is the journey that makes or unmakes you.”
– Nicolas Bouvier, The Way of the World
Currently working as a media educator for youths and young adults in a state-funded NPO, I'm a qualified photography technician, TV-cameraman, video editor and teacher. I have engaged in freelance photography as a complementary occupation between the years 2006-2023 and in freelance videography between the years 2015-2023.
I have come back to a solely personal practice of photography, documenting my life, family and travels while also keeping a small part of my practice service-oriented by proposing sporadic voluntary portraiture, documentary or event photography.
While I have used a wide array of cameras over several brands during the last 20 years, I've fully switched to using the Fujifilm GFX camera system in 2022.
Using Fujifilm's Medium Format cameras has been a choice partly made out of love for the slower pace it offers — throwing me back to my film medium format days — as well as choice motivated by my penchant for more in depth post-processing for which the GFX's file quality is ideal.